December 20, 2010


In Life, You'll find people who don't want you to be happy. But.. your Life isn't about their desire but your desire..

September 05, 2010

The beauty of Kuwait

     Hemm, by the way sorry for many posting about q8 because now i'm really miss q8. There is so many awesome places that i've never found in my country..  i found so many cool people i've never met in indonesia and i met them there. i got a new point of view and taught so many great lessons of the life. I get the really beauty things that i can't describe words by words :') so, i just can share this (really amazing and beautiful) picture of kuwait for ya guyss... bite it =D
Birds every where, isn't this like european views?
Marina Beach

Kuwait city beach
Kuwait city in the night - Liberation tower in the middle and the highest. fyi, it has 372 meter higher than monas tower (137 meter) this tower located in the heart of kuwait city. And only opened in february, on week of independence day of Kuwait.

This is Kuwait tower in the morning view from the beach. The weather really cold when winter :) But it's really nice than summer. What a hot day :S
Liberation tower view from The Grand Mosque :))
Kuwait is located around beautiful beach :)
Kuwait tower views
Kuwait Tower in the night :)) Wonderful tower

The Grand Mosque

Will i come back there again (?)
i hope... 


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August 24, 2010

Pain is inevitable and suffering is optional

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional
 "Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find your here and now intolerable ...and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally."

    Pain, suffering, and happiness are three rather different words to be linked together. Everyone desires happiness, but this has different meanings for each of us. Furthermore, stress and pain are two major barriers between us and our goal of happiness.
   We all know that some kind of pain, physical, mental, or emotional, is one of the inevitable facts of life. When we are in pain our first response is to somehow get rid of that pain. This is not always possible. Still, our minds tell us that the less pain we experience, the happier we are.
   Although we may not want to admit it, pain plays an important role in our lives. Pain is the body's messenger which alerts us to the fact that some part of our body needs immediate attention. Pain is also a teacher as we learn to live with it and come to make the distinction between pain and suffering. Thus we begin to understand the statement that pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.
This leads us to another way to look at pain. This different view of pain and pain control, is based on the concept that pain reduction can be achieved, not by escaping from pain, but rather in escaping into it.
   A large portion of what we feel when we feel pain is not true pain at all but suffering, that is our mental response to pain, which is really our resistance to the pain. What this means is that suffering, which feels the same as pain, but is not pain, increases and decreases in direct proportion to our resistance to pain. Thus, the less we resist pain, the less we suffer, and the less total pain we experience.
   Of course it would be unrealistic to think that merely changing our thoughts about pain will make it go away. Pain, whether sudden and unexpected, or chronic and long-term, is a fact of our human experience. However it is wise to note that practicing stress management techniques such as meditation can assist us in working with our medical advisors to achieve a more positive pain experience.
   And now, what about happiness? It has been stated that we often experience happiness in the midst of suffering, and pain in the midst of joy. As we become mindful of the place of pain and suffering in our lives we move towards a place of acceptance of what exists, which leads us to distance ourselves from that which exits. This distancing is the freedom that leads to true happiness.
   Finding happiness for ourselves, or even knowing what happiness is, can be problematic. True happiness may not be what we think it is, for it is often hidden deep within, and we may never before have realized how much happiness and potential happiness we have inside ourselves. Through meditation, stress management, exercise, journaling, and other mindfulness endeavors we must seek and find that hidden well of real happiness that will fill us with a deep, inner glow and enable us to view pain, suffering, and happiness in new and unexpected ways.
   Yes, pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional, and true happiness is frequently hidden deep within ourselves waiting to be discovered. This is the challenge each of us must face as we learn to live meaningful, productive lives in spite of the pain that is an unavoidable part of every life.

August 17, 2010

#Indonesia65 #Indonesia65 - Glory Indonesia !!

Indonesia Tanah Airku Tanan Tumpah Darahku
Disanalah aku berdiri jadi pandu ibuku
Indonesia kebangsaanku, bangsa dan tanah airku
Marilah kita berseru Indonesia Bersatu

    Tuesday, 17th August 2010 concured to the 65th Indonesia Independence Day. On that time are really meaningful for Indonesian people. Indonesia got freedom from the colonial rule for hundreds years since 65 years ago. So many, heroes fall in the war fight the colonialist. So now we've got free from them. We could wave the merah-putih's flag, and peal the proclamation. 

"Independence was gained and held by the nation that his soul was ablaze with determination 'Merdeka, Merdeka atau Mati' (Independent, independent or death)" -Soekarno-

     Indonesiaku sayang, sekarang udah 65 tahun, Udah bukan lagi anak bayi. Indonesia ku sayang sekarang harus terus Maju, harus bisa mandiri, jadi Indonesia yang ga bandel dan manja sana sini lagi. Indonesia sekarang udah besar, udah tau yang baik dan buruk. Udah tau apa yang harus dilakukan, udah tau dimana yang harus diperbaiki dan dibenahi. 
    Indonesia aku baru ngerasain kalo kamu tu emanng yang terbaik banget setelah aku ngerasain tinggal di foreign. Yaa, walaupun Indonesiaku cinta masih banyak yang harus dibenahi. Ah tapi ya Indonesia is the best. Aku sayang Indonesia dan Ibu pertiwi. Indonesia harus berjaya karena Indonesia itu bisa -PASTI BISA- kenapa? Yaaa, karena Indonesia itu hebat. Indonesia itu luar biasaa banget, menakjubkan hehehe. Kamu tun memiliki kekayaan alam yang melimpah. Dari mulai sawahnya, rempah rempahnya, kopi, teh, ikan ikanan, bunga bunganya, tanamannya, hingga minyak dan emas. Selain itu Indonesia kaya akan sumber daya manusianya yang katanya berjumlah 200 juta jiwa lebih. Ayo, Indonesia kamu bisa pasti.. Manfaatin apa yang ada pada diri kamu sekarang. 
   Ya, itu semua ga jauh dari masalah pemempinnya. Buat apa kekayaan alam yang melimpah, sumber daya yang banyak.. jika pemimpinnya tidak amanah. Buat apa? Ah, kasihan Indonesia terus disakiti di umurnya yang kian bertambah. Harusnya kita bangsa Indonesia pada era sekarang menyadari dan bersyukur akan apa yang telah diwariskan nenek moyang pada kita. Serta jerih payah para Pahlawan dengan bercucuran darah terus membela Indonesia Tanah air kita, hingga akhirnya bisa terlepas dari para penjajah yang tak mempunyai hati. Indonesia bisa merdeka, mengibarkan tinggi sang merah putih di ujung tiangnya membiarkan dirinya berkibar terhembus angin kemenangan. Mengumandangkan proklamasi sebagai tanda bahwa kemerdekaan telah diraih. Ah, sungguh besar jasamu wahai para pahlawan negara. 
   Nah? sekarang apa yang bisa kita berikan pada bangsa Indonesia tercinta. Tidakkah kita malu? Indonesia kusayang kucintaaa.. Maafin aku ya belum bisa ngasih apa apa di hari ulang tahun mu yang ke-65 ini. Sudah lima belas tahun aku berpijak ditanah ibu pertiwi ini,tapi belum bisa memberikan sesuatu seperti apa yang telah diberikan para pahlawan kepada mu.. Ya walau aku takan pernah bisa memberi sesuatu yang sama nilainya dengan "Kemerdekaan" yang telah diberikan Pahlawan kita dahulu. No matter what they say, aku tetep CINTA INDONESIA. Maaf aku ga bisa kamu ngasih kado buat kamu.. Tapi aku janji bakal ngasih kamu hadiah. Maaf gabisa ngasih sekarang. Soalnya Aku masih harus terus berusaha lagi agar bisa ngasih hadia itu ke kamu indonesia sayang.. Heem hadiahnya, aku pengen memberikan sesuatu.. Sesuatu dengan belajar sungguh sungguh (insyaallah) supaya bisa menjadi orang yang sukses dan bisa mengabdi padamu Indonesiaku. Sebenernya aku pengennya jadi dentist (Amin Ya Allah) ness (Indonesia), Ya tapi biarlah waktu yang akan menjawab soalnya aku juga masih bingung nes.. Doain dan dukung aku terus yaaa.. 

Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia yg ke-65, Damailah dan Jayalah INDONESIA-KU

Untukmu sang Merah dan Putih,


August 11, 2010

Bedug Festival bersama Police Line

    Sudah beberapa hari ini, pagi membawa embun turun menyegarkan setiap orang yang bangun pagi buta. Sudah beberapa hari ini gue disibukan dengan sebuah event bersama police line (Population of Science one Limited Edition) ya.. Parade Bedug. Kita udah latihan beberapakali selama kurang lebih seminggu atau dua minggu gitu. Dari yg ga kompak, sampai agak kompak dan pernah sampai kompak banget. Yah walau pada hari H nya kita yg ga kompak. Ah ga masalah yang penting kebersamaan dan kita udah berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk kompak. Tapi next time ya guys :)

    Sebulan gue di 11 ipa 1, nyamai banget ga ada tantangan berarti kaya waktu gue di kuwait. Ga harus ada banyak adaptasi seperti disana, yang dari bahasa, pergaulan, budaya, ah banyak deh. Disini semua membaur ah ini masa - masa yang gue kangenin waktu gue di sana dulu. Ga beda jauh kaya densus dulu, akrab. Event pertama yang ngebuat police line semakin akrab menurut gue adalah event parade bedug ini. Semua nya harus bersatu untuk membentuk kekompakan dan menjadi kebersamaan. Dari latihan menyamakan tempo ketukan bedug, sampai meghias bedug. Dua hari menjelang hari H, kita latihan dan itu kompak banget (menurut gue). ah cuma 3 atau 4 kali kita terus pulang. Keesokan harinya kita kesekolah cuma buat menghias bedug, walau ga dateng semua sih. Yang kita belum tau mau konsep apa buat bedug itu, tapi akhirnya dapet juga. Dan menurut gue itu bagus bangeeeet. Ngelapisin kaki bedug nya pake police line, pake jerami, pake ijuk, sampe dapet ide di bawahnya di jadiin sawah. Ide dadakan tapi unik :) Hari H pun tiba, ipa 1 dapet giliran urutan ke dua untuk tampil. Cepet banget kan... ah mau bagaimana lagi. Kita setengah 7 (walau ngaret sampe jam 7an) udah ngumpul di sili buat GR. Yang namanya nervous, grogi, takut, malu kan pasti ada apalagi kita tampil nya cepet banget. "Pokonya jangan keliatan bingung kalo lagi tampil mah" kata salah seorang dikelas.

Bedug hasil karya police line
Formasi di atas panggung
Formasi yang di bawah, memberi salam pembuka 
adit dan andhika pas nyanyi demi masa -__-
tampak atas panggung
sebelum tampil bersama anne sensei

    Akhirnya setelah kita ganti baju dan lain lain kita ke singawinata. Oh the real show -___- dengan kostum kaos putih, celana hitam, sarung yang di ikat dipinggang dan peci untuk cowok, dan baju ijo dan putih, dengan samping di ikat dengan kerudung hitam (model model kampung gimana gt kan ya) untuk cewek. Pembukaan, sambutan kepala sekolah, penampilan 12ipa, berapa gitu gatau lupa, dan kita.. Menyusun formasi dan bersiap, ah tetep aja pada grogi. Hm, tiba juga giliran kita dan ada anne sensei. Intro, lagu demi masa yang nyanyi adit (abang) sama andhika kalo gasalah. Disitu, gatau apa kita kurang latihan, pada lupa, grogi atau apa. Kita keliatan ga kompak banget, yang harus nya setiap 2 kali pukulan kita tukeran tempat. Tapi apa? engga. Cuma yang diatas panggung aja. Terus ada aja yang kelebihan ketukan. Terus satu lagi, Adit dia nyanyi nya salah masa, " ...kaya sebelum mati..." Mudah mudahan ga ada yang sadar deh haha. Tapi kan pengen ketawa jadinya. Ah.. ada ada saja. Tapi waktu kan terus berjalan dan selesai deh durasi kita (IPA1) Dengan sedikit bercucuran keringat, dengan perasaan lega, dan kesel karena ga sesuai dengan yg di harapkan. Tapi buat apa kesel? Kalah atau menang, Bagus atau tidak itu adalah hal yang biasa. Kita bisa ngambil pelajaran dari sini, ya kita bisa melatih kekompakan kita nanti lagi, mungkin di lomba bedug ini tidak tapi nanti di event yang lain itu pasti (Positive thinkin boleh kan?!)
Menu Munggahan dadakan (read: sate maranggi)
Bersantai ckckck
foto - foto mumpung ckck

    Kita ga saling menyalahkan satu sama lain, anne sensei juga ngerti kalo kita terlalu cepet dapet urutannya. Tapi yasudahlah toh kita tetep seneng, seperti yang pertama gue bilang. Yang penting itu kan kebersamaannya. Udah semua selesai, tiba tiba tanpa ada rencana sebelumnya kita munggahan sehabis tampil. Di Pasawahan, sate maranggin "si Zalu" rekomendasi dari cimot haha. Kita foto-foto disana soalnya pemandangannya bagus gitu kan. Terus makan sate maranggi walau pelayanannya kurang memuaska -____- Selesai kira kira jam 12an kita balik ke sekolah, istirahat -___- nonton kelas lain yang sedang tampil.
adit dan supporter 
at least, menang dong ! 

    Habis, semua telah tampil dan pengumuman. Singkat cerita, Police line emang ga juara dari penampilan atau dari bedug. Tapi dari perorangan kita menang dong, iya si adit. Ah supporternya gitu heboh nya ga nahan haha.
supporter sejati (upi, shinta) peace !
pawai keliling purwakarta, semangat walau suara udah minin ckckck :D
    Yeah, waktunya pawai. Pawai keliling purwakarta pake mobil buntung -__- Itu di situ itu, yang namanya kompak kita kompak banget. Yang namanya suara sampai mau abis teriak teriak, nyanyi nanyi. "Go ichi Go ichi Go Police Line" mars smansa, keong racun ah banyak deh.  Dan itu seru banget bangetan tau. Tau ga ada satu juga yang special buat hari ini. Ah, tapi.............................. (sensor**)
Every i see you, I'm both happy and jealous :'(


July 30, 2010

"enjoying but still focusing"

- (#np) Thanks God It's Friday yeah, even though  today is closely to saturday night hellyeah.
Today was so quite pretty cool with many cool friends and teachers at school. Actually because of shorter time than other days lol. I'm now student of grade eleventh science one (Police line). Mostly, the people there are really cool and kind with nice class teacher who is anne sensei. She's really kind teacher for me.
Siliwangi was being nice class for me even have many shortages. But i prefer the air at siliwangi than singawinata, more shady and quite (sometimes). I'm starting out everything now. From zero to hero, Amiin. Don't wanna be ordinary again but extraordinary. I trust that i've much ability and ofcourse big opportunity to get great chances.
Pak Sidik Tamsil My maths teacher was said that "kelas 11 adalah pembangkang sejati" Means that this is the free period. But i realized that i've to keep do the expected things like in the first thought. Enjoyed, relaxed, fun  but still focusing and serious. Importantly, cause we're in science programme that has more difficult things than social programme. We've to be more seriously, if we want to pass the pmdk and snmptn. It would be so much nice and easier when we could get that both things..
For this threshold is easy to go through,but we aint ever know  what challenges in front of us. But believe that we ain't alone in this whole world, we're whole human being that being alive on the whole world and great challenges. We could move swift just now,but we don't know what kinda road we've to walk on.

Probably, tomorrow we'll got a super great threshold and challenges. But only simple key that we've to known that "spirit,face the threshold, and patiently" probably we'd not awkward to get what we want behind the challenges. Cause in every challenge,there's an opportunity. Only God that could hear us and granted what we prayed. But first thing first we've to grateful for all the things we had till now cause it's all belong to Allah.
So.. Absolutely cultivate our spirit now and hang our dreams up high, and sincere grateful to Him..


June 19, 2010

I meant to be success then i trust my self

Don't be give up like stuck into the fates, cause if there's a will - there's a way


Cause only your own self that could change everything in your life, don't stuck at your failure ever had.. cause failure is the first thing to go on success's highway and perfect things. Soichiro Honda ever said that Success is 99% failure.


The highways of success ain't straight but there are so many curvaceous and it's called failure. A twirl called confusion. Climbs called friend. Red lights called enemies. Yellow or Caution light called family. Your flatness called jobs. Then if you have a spare called determination, engine called perseverance, insurance called faith, and the driver called God. Make sure those things to a place that called success.

Don't even over adore your idol cause our self is the real idol if we've to know and trust that if there's a will in our self so there's a great way but stick a pray and hard work means that determination and perseverance with you. So, you can make sure your happiness and you can open the door of success with the key that make your dreams come true. 


Keep climbing the mountains. Keep following the rainbow. Take the point of view of life is the benefit gains in any experiences, that those worse or great. Cause those gave you life meaning...




Pipi =)

March 10, 2010

Threshold on my life

Improvement our life is depend on a good deal on crossing one threshold after another one. Several years ago, when we're in a kindergarten, we try to write our name. It was very hard, with very hard work. We had arrived at effort threshold. Now, we can write our name with comparative ease.
This is the same thing for us. As soon as one threshold we've crossed it, as soon as we conquer one difficulty, in other side a new difficulty appears or it should appears. Some people can make a mistake of face the threshold. Anything that require indeed thinking and using energy, we avoid. We prefer to stay in a rut where is threshold aren't met. Probably, we have been stay at our place a number of times. Some things are easy for us, but we make no effort to seek out new difficulties to overcome. Real progress stops under such conditions.
Many people around us reach their great life by continuing crossing the thresholds.  When, difficulties come to them, they just facing the threshold and believe that there is nothing impossible to be reach. And those people become success profesional people cause of face the threshold and challenge. 
So, i believe.. when some difficulties rises to obstruct my path. I'll not complain anything. Just try to accept the challenges. Try to determine to crossing the threshold as you had crossed write your name in your past life. Like a quotes that do not rest but strive to pass from the dream to the grander dream :)
Because of in our progress there are many difficulties at every step that i have to overcoming them. I have to conquer them that appears on me. I think and i must keep up my enthusiasm in my life by keep try crossing all the thresholds and challenge. Don't complain and just strive :)
Mrs. Sobia - my english teacher said that don't deceiving our self because of doing useless things. Just imagine the enjoys thing but nothing just stay at the same place, no move to be better place. I hope you will pass the exams but i dont very think about it. Teachers is not an enemy for you. I just want you to be professional in the future that there is will be answer of who are you! So, Don't wasting your time with useless thing. And you will see the time will wasting you and in the last you'll be cry. I don't want it happens to you.. So, i just can tell you and i hope you can spend your presence time with useful things.. and you'll see the bright day in your future..
Gila.. ngena banget ga sih.. gue yg langsung diem dan mikir gitu tadi dikelas.. emang deh kalo Mrs. sobia udah ngomong, bener bener ngena banget ngebikin aku pengen ngerubah semuanya dan pengen jadi yang lebih baik dari sekarang. Thanks a lot ya miss :) there is other spirit blow up in my self to be so much better. I promise to you i'll prove my self to better and the best for my future. I hope i'll pass in this final term, and it'll be the last i school in here huhu. I'll be miss you yaa miss :"")

More enthusiasm,


February 10, 2010

I need it :'(

     I'm sure, right here right now i wanna someone hug me. anyone, but no one understand. For me a hug, can make me more balance. i don't know why but really i want it. i want crying in someone's hug. make me feel roomy. Cause it can make me more strength when my self go down or weak. 
want to know, what is meaning of hug for me?
For me ..
Hug is when someone cover you with his arms and let you lean in his breast. But believe me , meaning of hug is more than that. A hug more awesome than milion words. A hugs make you roomy when you miss someone or something hard to say.
Everyone can say many beautiful words but when he hold you in his arms, hug you,   face your eyes, this is show you how much someone cares to you. One hug can show more than million words, but one word cannot show a meaningful gesture.
Do you know? Human needed are not only food, treasure or anything. There is another primary desires of human beings. And they are Love and care . We can get gesture of love, caring, warmth in a hug.
Hugging is not only show your love, but it also gives taste comfortable to your love. One hug can be expressed as care. If  there is someone upset or feel sad, you can give they a hug for the source of comfort.
A hug is an unvoiced which says that “i care of you” “i love you” “i’m here for you”. Hug ang hold someone you love gives compassionate, love and it is belonging. Hug is not locking you, but give you milion securities and comfortable.
Hug can give you a warm behaviour to say your love that you’re the place where someone you love belong in your arms. Hug embedded a feeling of security and sense of peace. 
Open your arms, let someone you love enter to your heart by giving a warm hugs. Cause a warm hug gives someone passionate love from you.
No need to hug with smother and long time but give him or her a meaningful clutch to make someone you love feel that you’re really here for her/him.
Hugging is one gesture but it has milion meaning, hugging can do wonder to someone. It ,make you cheers up while you in blue. This expresses a phrase “i love you” maybe it look like a rainbow after the rain.
Do you know we can’nt survive without hug. It is the reason why God give us a hug delight, warms, arms , and charms. A hug is transfer some energy, emotional, and best meaning than words. This also could say anything you hard to say.

:) so, give everyone you love your best hug, cause it show your caring..
