December 01, 2012

I Found it Again..

 Hai. december... please be mine, be a nice month and save my GPA (first GPA) and  final term...

long time ago i said " i'll be back"
and yap, i'm back...
 hold on i'm just still find out the rest of my passion :''
today, Writing seminar and workshop by PACT writing division and FLP Jakarta influenced me so much..  Ty

Kak Koko - Kita ga perlu jadi orang hebat yang terkenal, cobalah untuk menjadi hebat untuk diri kita sendiri-
Ty for teaching us non-fiction writing and pak Taufik for teaching us how to find new ideas.. absolutely open my mind widely.. i'm so worth be there..
Hoping, someday i can submit my writing and it will published in any media :D
i decide that i want to re-post my posting and write again whatever it is.. 
i'm kinda have around 200 posts in my drafts.. i'll touch it up :'
thank you for today workshop.. 
new spirit for my old passion.. 



  1. Hai Fitri,..thanks ya sudah singgah di blog kk,..sukses buat kamu dan jangan lupa trus nulis, jangan hanya semangat satu hari saja, terus jadi lupa deh nulis lagi,..Insya Allah kk bersedia menjadi mentor yang baek,..hehehehehehe

  2. Terimakasih sudah singgah balik juga kak, iya inshaAllah nih kak tinggal mood sama timing kak, sip makasih kak koko :D
